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Master Frisky, Tony came running to him with queer hops like a rabbit, and he expressed his joy with funny little barks.

"Oh, I am so glad to see you!" he said. "I was awful afraid that you would not come. I love you so much because you are good to me."

The two friends lay down on the grass and had a fine tumble. Tony growled and tried to bite; and Frisky made believe be afraid of him, which pleased Tony greatly.

When Thomas, the cat, came out and growled at them, Frisky chased him up a tree, and Tony's joy was complete.

"I wish you could stay with me all the time," he said; "they are so bad to me when you are not here. Thomas claws me, the rooster pecks me, and Captain Strutt, the gobbler, beats me with his wings; and even my little master, Robbie, hurts me awfully sometimes."

"I should think he would be ashamed to hurt such a cute little dog as you are," said Frisky. "What does he do?"

"He pulls my ears, and ties things to my tail; and yesterday he sat on me, and most broke my back."

"It's too bad," said Frisky sympathetically. "I wish you could come and live with me. But you be brave, and every day you will grow a little; and when you get to be big like me, they will not dare to hurt you."