Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/155

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A royal race in Argos. Tedious speech

Were needed to relate particulars

Of these things ; 't is enough that from her seed 1020

Shall spring the strong He/ famous with the bow,

Whose arms shall break my fetters off. Behold,

My mother Themis, that old Titaness,

Delivered to me such an oracle ;

But how and when, I should be long to speak, 1025

And thou, in hearing, wouldst not gain at all.

lo. Eleleu, eleleu ! ^

How the spasm and the pain, And the fire on the brain.

Strike, burning me through ! loao

How the sting of the curse, all aflame as it flew,

Pricks me onward again ! How my heart in its terror is spurning my breast. And my eyes like the wheels of a chariot roll round ! I am whirled from my course, to the east, to the west, In the whirlwind of frenzy all madly inwound ; lose And my mouth is unbridled for anguish and hate. And my words beat in vain, in wild storms of un- rest. On the sea of my desolate fate. [lo rushes out.

Chorus. Strophe.

O, wise was he, O, wise was he, 1040

Who first within his spirit knew,

And with his tongue declared it true.

That love comes best that comes unto

The equal of degree !

And that the poor and that the low 1045

^ Heracles (Hercules).

2 Greek war-cry. An attack of frenzy is needed as a motive to re- move lo from the scene.