Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/267

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Outside, — Thessalian people's marriage-feasts

And gatherings for talk will harass me,

With overflow of women everywhere ;

It is impossible I look on them —

Familiars of my wife and just her age ! i675

And then, whoever is a foe of mine,

And lights on me — why, this will be his word —

' See there ! alive ignobly, there he skulks

That played the dastard when it came to die.

And, giving her he wedded, in exchange, leso

Kept himself out of Hades safe and sound.

The coward ! Do you call that creature — man ?

He hates his parents for declining death,

Just as if he himself would gladly die ! '

This sort of reputation shall I have, less

Beside the other ills enough in store.

Ill-famed, ill-faring, — what advantage, friends,

Do you perceive I gain by life for death ? "

That was the truth. ... i689

The grief was getting to he infinite — i696

Grief ^ friends fell hack hefore. Their office shrank To that old solace of humanity — " Being horn mm'tal^ hear grief! Why horn else ?" And they could only meditate anew. 1700

" They, too, upborne by airy help of song,

And haply science, which can find the stars.

Had searched the heights : had sounded depths as well

By catching much at books where logic lurked.

Yet nowhere found they aught could overcome 1705

Necessity : not any medicine served,

Which Thrakian tablets treasure,^ Orphic voice

^ Magical incantations ascribed to Orpheus the bard, whose home was in Thrace.