Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/458

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Decrees, and my measures. All these tilings, Athe- nians, if any one chooses to examine the matter with- out prejudice, he will find both correctly advised by me, and executed with perfect integrity ; and that no opportunity was lost by me, through carelessness, or through ignorance, or through treachery, nor any- thing neglected which it could fall within the power and the wisdom of one man to do. But if the favor of some Deity, or of Fortune, or the remissness of commanders, or the wickedness of traitors like you, Aeschines, in different states, or if all these causes to- gether have embarrassed our whole affairs, and brought them to ruin — wherein has Demosthenes been to blame ? But if there had been found in any ^ Greek State one man such as I have been in my sphere among you, rather, if Thessaly had only possessed a single man, and if Arcadia had possessed any one of the same principles with me, none of all the Greeks, whether within Thermopylae ^ or without, would have been suffering their present miseries ; but all remain- ing free, and independent, and secure from alarm, would in perfect tranquillity and prosperity have dwelt in their native land, rendering thanks to you and the rest of the Athenian people for so many and such signal blessings conferred on them through me. That you may perceive how much smaller my words are than my works, through fear of misconstruction, read ^ now and recite the account of the succors sent in pursuance of my decrees.

^ Rather, in each.

2 This famous pass led from Thessaly into Locris. " Within Ther- mopylae " thus means " south of Thessaly."

8 This direction is addressed to the clerk of the court.