Page:Materials in Support of H. Res. 24.pdf/51

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people’s representatives who review the evidence and resolve disputes through a democratic process.”[1] As Vice President Pence concluded, “[v]esting the Vice President with unilateral authority to decide presidential contests would be entirely antithetical” to the Constitutional design.[2] Not only did President Trump encourage Vice President Pence to take that unconstitutional step, he pressured Vice President Pence and told his supporters that “if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.” And if he didn’t do as Trump commanded, “Mike Pence … I’m going to be very disappointed in you.”[3] Little wonder that when President Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol, some went looking for Vice President Pence.

  1. Available at Aaron Glantz, Read Pence’s full letter saying he can’t claim ‘unilateral authority’ to reject electoral votes, PBS (Jan. 6, 2021).
  2. Id.
  3. Julia Jacobo, This is what Trump told supporters before many stormed Capitol Hill, ABC News (Jan. 7, 2021).