Page:Maud Howe - A Newport Aquarelle.djvu/213

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Farwell was disappointed, or he appeared to be so.

"Will you take a turn on the Park?" asked Mr. Hewson.

"Yes, thanks. Are you not afraid of malaria? I am so much braced up by my long vacation that I should enjoy it, but is it wise for you to run the risk?"

"Yes; I am used to it. Do you think of returning to Colorado?"

"Yes, it is possible. I have an interest in a claim there. It was apropos of that business that I wanted to see Graball."

"Is he interested in the scheme?"

"No; but I need the backing of Graball, or some such man, in the affair."



"Who owns the claim?"

"A man named Cartwright, and myself."

"You want a company formed?"

"In which I shall retain the controlling shares."