Page:Maury's New Elements of Geography, 1907.djvu/70

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The Rocky mountain and Pacific States: Capitals and Chief Cities.

States. Capitals. Chief Cities.
Colorado, Denver, Denver.
Wyoming, Cheyenne (shi-en'), Cheyenne.
Montana, Helena, Butte.
Idaho, Boisé (boi-zay'), Boisé.
Washington, Olympia, Seattle.
Oregon, Salem, Portland.
California, Sacramento, San Francisco.
Nevada, Carson City, Reno.
Utah, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City.
New Mexico, Sante Fé, Albuquerque.
Arizona, Phœnix, Tucson.
Territory. Capital. Chief City.
Alaska, Juneau, Nome.

What country borders this section on the north? On the south? What ocean is west of it? What states border it on the east?

What states border on the Pacific ocean? What states are crossed by the Rocky mountains?

What river forms part of the eastern boundary of California? What two mountain ranges are in this state? Can you find Point Conception? Name the largest city in California. Where is it? On what river is the capital? Where is Oakland? Los Angeles?

On the narrow coast plain of California. The city is Santa Barbara, situated on the coast northwest of Los Angeles.

What state is north of California? What river forms part of the eastern boundary of Oregon?

What river forms part of its northern boundary? The Columbia river is famed for its fisheries. On what river is the capital? Name the largest city. Where is it?

What state is north of Oregon? What river crosses Washington and forms part of the southern boundary?

What sound penetrates Washington! Where is the capital? What and where is the largest town?

What island is north west of Washington? This island is a part of the Dominion of Canada.

Where is Alaska territory? What is its capital? What river flows through it?

What state lies east of Washington and Oregon? What state lies east of California?

Name the largest city of Nevada. In what part of the state is it? Virginia city is famed for its silver mine, 3,000 feet deep.

Name the capital of Utah. What is its largest lake? What mountains are in Utah?

What state is south of Utah? What river crosses northwestern Arizona? The Colorado is noted for its canyons. Some are more than a mile deep.

What state is east of Arizona? What two rivers cross New Mexico? Name the largest city in New Mexico. Santa Fé is more than a mile above the level of the sea.

What state is north of New Mexico? What four great rivers rise in Colorado?

Pike's peak is nearly three miles high, and is crowned with perpetual snow. A government weather station is on the top. The view is one of the grandest in the country.

Leadville is noted for its mines of silver. It is more than two miles above the sea, and is the most elevated town in the United States.

What state is north of Colorado? In what part of Wyoming is Cheyenne (shi-en')? What great park is in Wyoming?

What mountains form part of the western boundary of Montana? What two large rivers run eastward through Montana? Name the largest city.

Salt Lake City.—The large building in the background with four towers is the Mormon temple.

Find Fort Benton. From it you can travel on a steamboat down the Missouri and the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. The voyage would be about 4,000 miles long. Describe a voyage by water from Spokane to Sacramento,