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Gazing upon him they passed, an endless staring stream,
A countless multitude that stood about the rise
And not until the sun, upon its westward course
Smiled joyfully upon the dead head's lifeless eyes,
Was stilled the noise and din along the lake's dark shores.

Above the distant mount, the sun flamed ere it sank:
And on this stillness deep, white moonlight cast its streaks,
Pouring its silver light about those lifeless cheeks,
And o'er the now stilled mound that stands above the bank,
The cities are far away, as the clouds upon the skies,
Beyond them. far beyond, now stare the lifeless eyes,
To a land of childhood days—a wondrous, wondrous age!
His youth was swept away by time's relentless rage.
Far away fled its dream, dead as a lifeless shade,
Reflections of cities white, that in the lake now bathe.
Just as a final thought of men who died before,
Just as their very names, as battles of ancient hordes,