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“Away!—away!—My breath was gone—
“I saw not where he hurried on:
’Twas scarcely yet the break of day,
“And on he foam’d—away!—away!—
“The last of human sounds which rose,
“As I was darted from my foes,380
“Was the wild shout of savage laughter,
“Which on the wind came roaring after
“A moment from that rabble rout:
“With sudden wrath I wrench’d my head,
“And snapp’d the cord, which to the mane
“Had bound my neck in lieu of rein,
“And, writhing half my form about,
“Howl’d back my curse; but ’midst the tread,
“The thunder of my courser’s speed,
“Perchance they did not hear nor heed:390
“It vexes me—for I would fain
“Have paid their insult back again.
“I paid it well in after days:
“There is not of that castle gate,
“Its drawbridge and portcullis’ weight,

“Stone, bar, moat, bridge, or barrier left;