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“And a slight flash sprang o’er my eyes,
“Which saw no farther: he who dies
“Can die no more than then I died.
“O’ertortured by that ghastly ride,
“I felt the blackness come and go,550
“And strove to wake; but could not make
“My senses climb up from below:
“I felt as on a plank at sea,
“When all the waves that dash o’er thee,
“At the same time upheave and whelm,
“And hurl thee towards a desert realm.
“My undulating life was as
“The fancied lights that flitting pass
“Our shut eyes in deep midnight, when
“Fever begins upon the brain;560
“But soon it pass’d, with little pain,
“But a confusion worse than such:
“I own that I should deem it much,
“Dying, to feel the same again;
“And yet I do suppose we must

“Feel far more ere we turn to dust: