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Blame Yourself

If This Message Doesn't Bring You A Big Salary Increase

LETS he specific What do you J want in life? You want more ^ money than you're frettinff. You want your own home, car, member- ahip in a good club, you want to Wear ffood clothes, educate children andputawayenouirh money to make you independent. If you are like other men* you want to be your own boss. You want to travel and meet the wide-awake people who are ^ fpritig ' thinffs. An riffht. Ill ten you a quick. way to accomplish all this. If you don't take it you are the only loser. Yon are the only one who will have to face the accusing finser of the man you mi^rht have been. If you do take it youll thank me the rest of your life for putting this infor- mation in your hands. For now it is possible for you to Quickly enjoy bisirer eaminars, and have all the jovs in life tnat your binrer self demands. If this was a ffuess I couldn't print it. I know it to be a certainty. It is proved by the nmm of thousands of other men who have done exactly the ■amethinflr. Listen. What It Brought These Men For iuUnoe. A. H. Ward, Chicsgo boy. earned $13% last month. He averaced $1,000 a month Isat year ! IL D. Milkr, another Cbiosgo boy. wss making $100 a month ss a stenocrapher in July, 1022. In Septenober, 3 months later, ha was making $1UU a vfeeic as a salesman. W. P. Clenny of Kansas City, Ma, stepped from a $150 a month clerkship into asellinc Job at $600 a month. He is making $860 a month now. II. V. Stephens of Albany, Ky. , was making $25 a week. He took up this training and now makes 5 times that much. J. H. Cssh of Atlanta, Ga., ezchamred his $75 a month job for one which pays him $500 a month. O. H. Malfroot of Bos- ton, ICass^ stepped into a $10,000 position as a SALES MANAGER-so thorouch is this training. All these successes •re due to this easy, fascinating and rapid way to master certain invincible secrets of selling. But why continue here whan I can send you hundreds of similar stories of success? The Secret Is Yours What you want to know is how it's done. Ill tell you. Althoosh none of these men had ever sold a thing in their livea, we took them without experience or training of any kind, and in a short period of time made Master Salesmen of them. Then our Employment Department helped them to ■ele c t the right position and they were off with a boom to the auoeesa they had dreuned of. TIm National Salesmen's Training Association can do exactly ihim for yon. If this big organisation of Master Salesmen and Tske any ten average men who arc in blind alley Jobsat low pay. Analyse each esse with* out prejndice. You'll find that every one of them is solely and entirely to blame for his poor earning power. Every one of them has had a golden opportunity. They either have fidled to recognise It, or, recognizing it, lacked the courage to follow it op. But now comes your chance. If this page doesn't bring you a big increase in sslsry— quick— J2Snfe,^5S^ByJ.E.Green8kde Sales Mansgen had raised the ai arisB of only a few men, then yi mi|^t call It luck. But we've be dome it for seventeen yeszs, dsy and day out. Today we re so accu tomed to the amazing increases : salary our members receive th we take them as a matter of coura There is only one thinjr I ask of y< in return for this off<sr. Don't 1 the idea of a bic salary, the thoug! of traveling all around the count and meeting worth-while peopl make you think that the job is d yondyou. Keep an open, unprej diced mind on this subject— at least until you nave read t! remarkable book that I want to send you without charge. Read This Free Book This book, "Modern Salesmanship," explains why thousan have quickly succeeded in the selling field— how it is ea to make big money once you are in possession of the Secrc of Sellinir and how you can quickly 'get these fundamental s erets. It will also explain the National Demonstration Meth which shows you how to overcome nearly every sales probj^ you will meet in a lifetime in the selling field. This ist) I will send you, absolutely free. Read it-ther4 yourself. National Salesmen'sTraininK A Devi. B-tl» K. 8. T. A. BolIdlB*. 8 Nadonal Saletmcn'i Tnunin^ . j Deyt. X-n» N. a. T. A. BoUdtef, Cs^C 1-A ■ I am willing to investigate the opportunity /o- S without cost to myself. Plesse mail me Free Pre ■ that I can become a Master Salesman and qualify foi ■ good sales position. Also send your illustrated boG ■ 'Modern Salesmanship," and particulars of membersh ■ in your Association uid its Free Employment servi< ■ Name . I Addres I City Age. . Occupation. .State..