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he refuses, turn him out, secrets and all. For if you keep him on his terms he will always be a centre of disaffection, and as for the secrets, there aren't any that can't be rediscovered or invented anew, especially under the aegis of such an ingenious and energetic young woman as yourself." Faith, hope, and charity, he again reflected, and the greatest was assuredly faith—and Rhoda had it in abundance, lucky Rhoda.

This was support in a direction parallel with Rhoda's own endeavors since her connection with the firm, and also a tribute from a source from which she had too often in the past drawn only criticism. What do girls know anyway! The childish taunt had often been echoed.

"Do you really think I'm any good?" she asked, with an air of helplessness that was far from habitual.

"You know perfectly well that I've been in a continuous state of flabbergastion at what I've seen you doing," he replied. "Even before I read the interview."

This was an allusion to an article in a trade journal celebrating the phenomenal rise of young Miss Marple to the presidency of one of the leading manufacturing companies in the State. Frances, home for the Christmas holidays, had found it in Rhoda's bedroom and come running downstairs two steps at a time crying, "Look! Look! That's my big sister!"

It had been agreed that Grover couldn't think of leaving before the New Year. As a matter of fact his