Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/106

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The concentrated heat of the sun requires a very refractory material to retain it for any length of time, but our scientific men for generations back have been studying this subject with no small success. We can now store all the concentrated sun heat that we require for our manufactures and for heating purposes; still we have much to learn on this subject."

"But, come along, we must be off to the Observatory. When we get clear of this building, we shall see how the moon and stars look to-night."

He again took me by the arm, imparting the same stream of energy as before; and off we started, passing along as before. There was the same pleasant sensation, the same rapid motion.

On we rushed, passing hundreds of others who were out for a midnight stroll. We paused a moment on a small hill, as the Recorder said, that, now we were well clear of all artificial light and of the buildings, he would like me to