Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/115

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moonbeam telephone. You could only, however, send a message towards and have it delivered from the bright side of the moon. It was explained to me that the moon must be shining to produce what they termed an active ray of reflected light, but once this ray was created it could be used as a means of transmitting sound. Not being a scientist, I fear I have been unable to fully describe all that I was told about this extraordinary invention, but at the time it was explained to me I thought I understood its principles fairly well.

I was now taken into another room more than twice the size of the Observatory. This was without exception the most interesting place I had yet seen in this land of wonders. The entire room, not less than 600 feet square was one enormous working orrery, shewing the sun, moon, and all the planets in their proper positions. The sun was made of that peculiar white luminous material I have so often mentioned. How the globes were actuated or how supported I could not tell, but there they