Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/118

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and utilize these tremendous agents for the benefit of mankind.

"But now, my Specimen, we must to rest, as even the people of this age of advancement require sleep, for without sleep the brain cannot renew its vigour or recuperate its power. The brain is more taxed now than it ever has been since the world began, and it only retains its power if we take advantage of the knowledge we have of its requirements in the way of rest. To-morrow I shall give you a general sketch of Britain as it is; and on the following day I shall take you to see the principal seat of our government."

We now returned, and entered the same room in which we had slept before visiting the Observatory, finding all the beds occupied save the two we had rested on. The occupants evidently slept very lightly, as all sat up and looked at us when we entered, but immediately lay down again.

It was bright as sunshine in the room when I awoke next day. All our fellow sleepers