Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/128

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country became degraded at home and abroad. Discontent arose in all quarters. Agitators put all the blame of this anarchy and confusion on the existence of a crowned head, and it was decided to turn Great Britain into a Republic. This was effected, fortunately without any bloodshed. A Republic was established, but did not improve matters; yet it remained in force for many generations.

"In the year 2888 things had come to such a pitch that England, while beset on all sides by her foreign foes, was not free from enemies in her very midst. These very mountebanks that were returned to parliament by a befooled and trusting people were plotting with her enemies against her; their only aim and object being to further their own selfish sordid ends. Now the intelligent part of the people were forced to see how things were going, and were convinced that if the government was allowed to go on as it was, the result would be utter destruction. They, therefore, called their leaders together, and assisted by many of the people, resolved to