Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/134

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sisted of Great Britain, Ireland, North America, Australasia, India and Africa, and it remains the same to this day.

"The central government, as I told you, now sits at the great government halls not far from the ruins of London. The rest of the empire is divided into two hundred local governments, which practically manage their own affairs, simply reporting what they do to the Central Government, to whom they are responsible for local management. Each of these local governments sends three representatives to the Central Government; thus forming an assembly of six hundred members, who deal with imperial matters. This Assembly again elects from their number sixty members, who form the Upper House, which corresponds with what was called the House of Lords in your day.

"In your day such an arrangement as this would have been impracticable. But as science advanced the means of inter-communication improved, the result being, that now, with our speed of travelling, there is no inconvenience