Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/151

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HAVING now spent a considerable time relating the things of the past, and instructing me in things relating to the present, the Recorder told me to retire to rest, so I lay down on a couch and went to sleep again. The next day I awoke and found that I was quite alone. I lay quietly, thinking and wondering for a long time. At last the Recorder came to me, and said he would again begin to instruct me as soon as I had had my morning meal. Finding this on a tray beside my couch, I got up and refreshed myself. As soon as I had had enough the Recorder began:—

"You are surprised to find that we exist without food, and that we do not live for its sake. How this came about is a long story, and I feel that it is now time you should have an explanation of the reasons and causes of this beneficial change in the nature of mankind.