Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/158

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observer might, if judging from the great preponderance of evil, think that all was hopeless and that all was lost, a germ of good still remained. There still, fortunately, existed many great and good minds that never ceased, morning noon or night, to preach morality, truth, and temperance to the people. Many lost heart and gave up in despair, but still their places were taken by others who continued the good fight from age to age. For a time, the new order of things led our ancestors of this date to think that everything was improving. The people had come through great trials and were inclined to listen to the advice of men of learning. The reduction of population was a great relief to those that were left. In country districts the people began to grow their own food, and rear their own meat. They lived moderately, and became much more happy and contented. In the cities also, the people were better provided for. The great mass went in for education, devoting themselves to it, and the affairs of our nation went on smoothly for