Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/180

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should at once have started to paint a true Venus after the model before me. How this was I cannot say, possibly the influences by which I was surrounded were fast altering my ideas, yes, and my very nature. I even began to think that my form was altering also. I had not noticed a mirror anywhere to enable me to see what I was like; the only reproduction of myself that I had seen was that horrid model, dressed in my old tweed suit. Our visitors soon departed, the Recorder and his family going to the door to see them off. They simply bowed to us all, as they left. I went to the window and saw them trip away. They were soon out of sight. The Recorder now told his wife to bring refreshment, at the same time explaining to me that I still required a little food. I felt quite ashamed of myself; but I must say that what the Recorder stated was true. I did feel that I wanted something. Some fruit and water were brought, and all three sat and looked at me eating with evident curiosity and interest, each taking a sip of