Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/187

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over my poor body." I sat down and wept for very shame, and cried out: "Why had I a liver? Oh, why had I these organs that held me up to the derision of all men?"

My cry brought the Recorder into the room; he looked sad and said: "What has grieved my poor Specimen? Oh, I see what has been passing through your mind, but it is not as you think, you were not examined medically last night. I came in to see if you rested, and finding that you had not taken off your clothing, I removed it while you slept, and placed the coverlet over you. You see," he continued, "now that we have the model we instruct our people from it, not from you."

This man's kind benevolent face, and his reassuring manner, quite restored me to good spirits, and I thanked him for the great interest he took in me. He said:—

"Do not thank me, for although I like you much on your own account, and believe that my liking may grow to love for you, as I would love a son, yet remember that I deserve no