Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/201

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realised the magnitude of the change that you are experiencing; I have omitted to realise that your mind cannot grasp the possibility of all that has taken place since your day. This conduct is inexcusable in me. I should have known better, but it is only another illustration of the weakness and inconsiderateness of the finite mind. I hope you will forgive me."

I could not reply. So he continued: "My son, I have been watching the working of your thoughts; I see they are craving for information that in this world can never be given; you are wondering what has become of the men of your day, and those that have been born and have died since then. This, my son, is information that has been denied to the finite by the Infinite. If it is His will that this information should be withheld from us during life, what right have we to inquire into mysteries that He thinks should be withheld? He has told us that we will rise again, and that the just shall be rewarded. If we doubt this we are not worthy of Him, or of the reward