Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/203

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until the appointed time. So now, my son, be comforted, and be calm; live in trust, in hope, and in faith; improve your mind and study nature, which is the only study worthy of intellectual beings. I had hoped, my Specimen, to take you through the seat of government here to-day, and also the school of art and science, but I find that I have been working you rather hard. We will, therefore, first give you a good refreshing rest to restore your nerves and mind to a proper state of health, and then visit these places."

He now took me up to a door, the same in appearance as the one to which the guides at first took me. He knocked; the door was opened; and we were received by a Sage, much of the same stamp as the other men I have described; he, also, had a message stool. The Recorder went up to him and talked, while the orthodox plate was produced. This man evidently had not got very good manners, as he came up to me and stared at me in amazement, making no secret of his curiosity. I felt quite