Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/205

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HOW long I slept I know not, and never asked, having now got to that state of mind that enables one to receive the information that is tendered to him and ask no questions. I felt that when I thought much I got sad and miserable, so I tried to cast my thoughts aside, devote my time to observation, and keep it open to instruction. When I wakened there was no one in the room. I did not feel inclined to rise, so I lay and ruminated about all that had taken place during the last few days. As I lay in this state thinking how silly it was of me to give way as I did yesterday, I made up my mind to show no more weakness of this kind in the future, but to accommodate myself to the circumstances in which I was placed, and try to enjoy things as they existed, instead of worrying about the past, and trying to pry into the future. Thus I argued with my own weakness, and doing so