Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/216

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is its most severe judge on earth. Here was this man represented as on the rack of his own creation, still he was holding on to the filthy lucre that had been the ruin and damnation of his soul. He was conscious of his sin, but it had such a hold of him that he could neither forgive himself nor repent.

These scenes, representing various stages of avarice, were executed with such wonderful truth and force that my eyes could read all, as if the terrible story had been enacted in life itself before me.

We now entered a huge hall, over the door of which were inscribed the words, "Beauty in Treasure." The Recorder explained to me that this was a hall in which many of the gems of the nation had been arranged with a view to show that, apart from their ancient intrinsic value and deplorable history, they possessed of themselves wonderful beauty and interest. On entering, I was fully convinced of the truth of his remark. The walls of the building appeared to be constructed of silver and gold, and the