Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/222

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tinuing, he said, "Nor do I see the possibility of perfect harmony existing for long among large communities of finite beings. From the beginning it has been found necessary to control and govern the actions of the multitude by some power greater and better organized than the multitude that is to be governed."

"Wars alas! we cannot hope always to avoid. Ambitious men and ambitious nations will exist to the end of time. But as the world grew older the mode of carrying on war has been altered. It would take a long time to describe all the changes that have taken place, so I will not attempt to enter on the subject at present, but I will tell you something of the method that is now adopted, as it is well that you should understand what is going on around you.

"I have often mentioned to you before that nowadays intelligence is all powerful and omnipotent.

"Our mode of controlling the people of our own nation is by authority given by the state to the ruling elder of each community. He is