Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/240

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all the dirt and filth of your cities. You caged your sailors in dirty dens on board your vessels. So cramped and ill-ventilated were the quarters you caused them to occupy, that you demoralized them in mind and in body. They were slovenly in their clothing, depraved in their minds, immoral and intemperate in their habits when ashore, yet withal, a good natured, innocent set of men when at sea, and free from the temptations landsmen laid as snares for them. Yes," he said, "it is well that these are things of the past." We now drew nearer to the sheet of water, and I saw that what I thought were islands were floating bodies like immense mastless ships. Having first seen the aerial vessels, which were very small, I was greatly surprised now to see vessels of such great magnitude. They did not stand high out of the water, but the length was very great, and the beam was about one-third of the length. There were in all six of these island-like vessels. They seemed to keep quite stationary and yet I could see no chains, cables or anchors