Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/244

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of the same cut but blue. While I was now getting familiar with these strange people, I felt shocked to hear such creatures as these called seamen, and I could not help thinking that civilization had reduced my ideal seaman to a creature that one could not but think a miserable substitute at best. We ran alongside one of the vessels, and ascending a little gangway were met at the top by the commander. Here, again, was a great change for me. I had pictured to myself a man in blue, gold, and epaulettes, as commander of this great vessel; but alas! this sea king now before me was dressed just like the Recorder, had the same class of features, and was of about the same stature. He turned out to be a relative of the Recorder, and expressed great joy at meeting him so unexpectedly. While greeting him his eyes were never off me, he was evidently at a loss to know who and what I was. Seeing this the Recorder led him aside, no doubt to explain my nationality and history. He came back and politely showed me over his great