Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/257

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these people. The great sect of reformers remained steadfast to their principles, inducing as many as they could from the cities to join them in the country; and by the solidity, compactness, and power of their institutions, they managed to keep those that still adhered to the old and foolish way of living in check. The American people were in exactly the same position as the English. The inhabitants of the cities all over the world became degraded, while those who joined the great sect and lived in the country became more and more elevated. The consumption of food was reduced to a minimum by believers in the sect's doctrine. Lung power proportionately increased in them, and it was found that their intelligence increased also. It was a remarkable fact that these reformers seemed to gain ground equally all over the world; they grew in power and influence by living with nature; but all their power and all their influence was unable to reform the cities. Love of money, of gambling, and of excess, went on growing apace,