Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/259

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harm. But Baria proved that in pre-historic days a great comet must have visited our planet and altered its physical and climatic conditions, and he said further that this comet would do the same, or it might even destroy the world.

"The great sect to a man, believed in Baria's statements. They visited the cities, and preached reformation to the people while it was yet time, but to no good. They were only laughed at, and scoffed, and in many cases the mobs stoned them, saying: 'This is another of your mad notions; you want to get possession of our cities as you have of our country for your own selfish ends.'

"Baria's prophecies were, alas! but too true. The comet came nearer and nearer to the earth, and with it the awful day of tribulation approached. It came so near that its attraction seemed gradually to slow down the earth's rotation. This was first noticed when it was reported that all the chronometers were going fast. It was found that while they registered twenty-four hours, the sun did not reach the