Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/261

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the ruins. A great flow of icebergs came floating down the North Atlantic; thousands of ships and steamers were lost, captains found that they were out of their reckonings by hundreds of miles, and all thought that the last day had come. The members of the great sect spent their days and nights in prayer in the open country. Strange to say, they did not feel many bad effects from the changes that were taking place. They felt in most cases stronger and better than ever they did. They saw the citizens and non-believers succumb in thousands; they tried to help them, but it was useless, all died. The very animals gave way, horses, cattle, sheep, birds, and vermin seemed to sicken and die. The sights by which the survivors were surrounded were terrible to look on, there was nothing but ruins, death and corruption. The cities were huge charnel pits. Dead cattle lay in every direction over the land, and but few animals survived the general destruction. The courses of rivers were in many parts of the world changed; the sea receded in some places,