Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/265

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you, all our sea and aerial fleets are constructed of the metal you know as aluminium, which is light and strong; and it is to be had in every country where you understand its manufacture.

"Have you ever reflected or thought since you have been with us what a horrible people you used to be? Think of the terrible things you did. Think of a people that would be base enough to defile their mouths with the flesh of the lower animals, flesh that must turn to corruption. The bare idea of this barbarous custom causes me to shudder." I here could not help asking how it was that the people of the present day retained their teeth when they could have no possible use for them. I had often remarked to myself what lovely white teeth they had. The Recorder remarked:—

"This is a pertinent question, my son, and shows me that you are possessed of considerable reasoning power. The fact is that we have no teeth of our own; they are all artificial, look here," he said, and putting his hand to his mouth he took out a complete set of teeth, and