Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/272

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began to flow back again. So it was when I held Meda by the hand; we were very happy, and she was beautiful, yes, beautiful both in mind and body. The Recorder and his wife must have seen that we were getting fond of one another; and they certainly never discouraged us. We began to live, as it were, in a land of perfect bliss. I told her my name was Kenneth: and we now addressed one another as Meda and Kenneth. The fact is, dear reader, we were in love. I forgot all about my previous self and previous life; I saw nothing that was strange around me now; I could only see one being clearly, and that was Meda, my own, my dearest, my beloved Meda, a very angel of beauty, an angel of intelligence, an angel of affection, love so sincere, love so truly love, love so pure and so intense, that my soul, my body, my very existence, was wrapt up in her. I felt, I knew, that this feeling was mutual, but I feared to ask her; I lived in such bliss and happiness that I dreaded to do anything to disturb it. I did