Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/287

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HOW I wondered, as I sat in my dark room, what I could have done to deserve such barbarous treatment; it was beyond my comprehension to understand why a people could turn on me as it were with one will, at the same moment, and snatch me away from my poor wife who evidently was very ill. I had struggled hard to get to her, but the more I fought the more I was resisted. Had I been an unclean thing that carried pestilence with it, I could not have been resisted more fiercely. I felt terribly cast down; the depths of my misery were greater than I can describe, far, far greater than I had ever experienced during all the sorrows and trials of my previous life.

It was strange that the joys and pleasureable feelings of this intellectual people were so intense. Did enlightenment add to the intensity of enjoyment? And did it also add to the