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The President asked the Recorder had he anything further to say. The Recorder immediately rose, and with a quivering voice said:

"My Lords,—I would not for worlds ask you to evade the laws of our nation, particularly as regards this terrible crime; I know that this man has acted against the law while unconscious that he was doing so; and I believe all he has stated to be true. I know he is desirous from his heart to repair the damage that he has thus unconsciously done to my much beloved daughter, my only child. In your consideration of your verdict, I would therefore pray of you to be as lenient to him as the laws of our country will permit. Remember that the customs of his people allowed and encouraged the action that he has been guilty of; remember his inexperience, and act towards him, in considering his sentence, with mercy."

I was now asked if I had anything further to say in reply. I bowed towards the President and said, "No."

The judges then retired to consider their