Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/307

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of mine being excited by turning the handle, had destroyed the force of gravity, and this force being destroyed, I was trying to get away from the earth, while I at the same time was being dragged by the string attached to the ring in the floor, at a tremendous speed by the earth's motion. Had the string broken I would of a certainty have been smashed to atoms against the roof or walls of the dungeon; and I could see that when I pressed the buttons, I brought the lines of force into play, and was drawn by this mysterious power in an opposite direction to the earth's rotation, which added to the strain on the string. I begged to be taken down, and this curious specimen of an executioner said, "Oh yes! certainly, friend; I can do that now, as such are my instructions; but to-morrow I will let you loose for ever and ever, in the same way as I have released a number of criminals before. You see we have no room here for people who disrespect or disobey our just and wise laws. We don't allow even their bones or ashes to remain to pollute