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great seats of intelligence in America, Australia, Africa, India, and Europe. I had at one time lived in the fond hope that I should have a voyage in those wonderful aerial and naval vessels along with Meda; I had hoped to be able to study modern navigation; I had hoped to be able to investigate the principles of the mysterious forces that man had now summoned to his aid. I felt I had lost the chance of making use of all the valuable opportunities that I expected to have. And yet it was not my fault; it was the fault of that miserable hag of a woman who would insist on making me speak of myself. I believed she was a fiend in woman's clothing, sent to lead me to ruin by her master, the devil. I cried out in agony:—

"Oh Lord! excuse my presumption, but why do you allow these fiends to enter into the form of women and tempt us and lead us astray?" I no sooner had said this than I felt full of remorse. Why should I blame anyone more than myself? Why should men blame women? Are they not worse, yes, far worse themselves?