Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/312

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THE next thing that I recollect was being conscious of being led out of the dungeon, and taken away to a hill. Around the top of the hill was a multitude of men, in the centre of which was a number of elders who formed a ring on the most elevated portion of the ground. I was taken into the centre of the ring of elders, amongst whom I now noticed the Recorder, looking years older than when I saw him last. He was bowed down with grief for me; yet I could see that while he loved and grieved for me; and while he loved his daughter, his love and respect for his duty to the laws of his country were greater, yes, far greater than any considerations such as these. I felt my respect for this large-minded, noble, yet modest man growing greater and greater; I felt that in him, at least, was engrafted a noble, generous and right-minded nature, that