Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/329

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puzzled the doctor. I lay like one dead, so like, that at one time the doctor thought I was gone. This state of coma, it appears, lasted for five weeks; and the doctor told me that had it not been for the untiring care of my dear wife I could not have lived. For weeks and weeks she had sat up with me, day and night; all wondered that she stood this terrible fatigue, but her devoted loving devotion pulled me through. For my part I have never since been the same man. My conviction is that while my body lay in that state of coma my spirit has been away in the far future, gleaning information to lay before the people of 1888, a warning to them of what is to come.

"You have prevented me telling you what I saw while floating in space, but this will keep until I am stronger. I am glad I have been able to tell you what I have told, as it is a great relief to my mind."