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guides lifted the knocker, and gave a single tap: immediately the door swung open, and we entered a large square hall, the walls of which were formed of great slabs of white marble.

Here we were met by another sage who was seated on what I have termed a message stool. In his hand he held a metal plate which I have no doubt was that on which the first sage wrote the description of me. He consulted his plate from time to time, looking at me to see that this message was correct. Being satisfied of its accuracy he made a sign to my guides, and they at once retired, the door closing behind them. As soon as we were alone, he came up to me and took me by the hand. This was the first time one of these creatures actually touched me. The sensation I experienced, when our hands came into contact, was most peculiar. I cannot describe it better than by saying, that it was a pleasant kind of gruesome feeling that seemed to tingle through every nerve, muscle,