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I tasted the water to know if it were salt, as I knew that it is much easier to float in salt water, but I found it was quite fresh. To get myself wet all over I rolled round and round on the surface, and after I was thoroughly bathed, got out and dried myself. I then attempted to put on my new garments, but as this was no easy task, I sat down on the chair to work out this problem. Looking at the clothing I found it to consist of one piece of a white silkish cloth, pleated at one end in the form of a kilt. I at last solved the difficulty, by fastening the latter portion round my loins, and disposing of the remainder as best I could around my body and shoulders.

If not exactly correct in the disposition of my clothing, I had at least made a fairly good attempt at dressing for the first time in a modern costume. I found that a pair of light shoes was also provided for my use, and these I got on my feet with some difficulty, as they were rather small. There were also two leg weights the same as those my guides wore, but