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digestive organs, but I was not far off the truth, because the advancement of science and intelligence has proved that by generations of training, along with a change of atmosphere that took place, these organs could be almost entirely dispensed with. We have worked in this direction for thousands of years, and the result has been that we now live purely by respiration, and have reduced their functions to that of supplying moisture to the body. You will notice that our chests are very large, because we require greater lung power, now that we have dispensed with solid food. This organ of respiration has been increased by nature to meet the requirements of the new conditions under which we live. In the present age it is only the lower animal creation that eat, and need the power of digestion, but how this came about requires much explanation, which I shall give you later on. You must not be too anxious, my Specimen, to know everything at once. Only think that your day is more than three thousand years