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Earth, and all-lighting glow of Sun,
Behold, behold;
See this sad woman and undone, 1255 (1253)
Ere yet her murderous hand, made bold
Against her own, her children slay.
For they sprang of the golden stem
Of thy descent; and great to-day
Our dread the blood of gods in them 1260 (1256)
Shall by a mortal's wrath be spilt.
But now do thou, oh Zeus-born light,
Stay her, prevent; put thou to flight
That fell Erinnys to this home
From gods avenging past crimes come 1265 (1259)
To whelm her in despair and guilt.


Upon thy children has thy care
Been spent in vain;
In vain thy loved babes didst thou bear;
Thou who the inhospitable lane 1270 (1263)