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known Alderman, Gabriel Newton, of the 18th century, may have been his descendant. The Will of Thomas Newton, dated October 8th, 1521, and proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury on November 11th, 1521, contains some unusual provisions.

"First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God and to his blessed mother and all the holy company of heaven and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St, Martin's in Leicester by my children and for my mortuary my best gown after the custom and manner Also I bequeath to the high altar of the said church for oblations forgotten 4d. Also to the mother church of Lincoln 4d. Also I will that my body be brought to the ground with all the priests and clerks of St. Martin's Church and all the three orders of friars within Leicester and the same friars after that they have brought my body to the church then they to go home and to sing dirige and mass for my soul unto the which three houses I bequeath 30s. Also the same day or shortly after I will there be done three trentals two of them in St. Martin's Church in Leicester and the third in the Friars in the Ashes Also I will that a stone be provided for to lie upon my body and also my wife's if it be her mind when God shall call her And in the same stone to be graven mine image and my wife's and all our children departed to God that is the number of eight Also I will my daughter Alice Newton being yet alive have £20 of my goods for her child's part And if God call her from this world then I will my wife have it to dispose as she shall seem best Unto my brother Hugh Newton one of my riding-coats and my best chamlet doublet with a pair of my best hose and a shirt Also I will that my brother Nicholas Newton have another of my riding-coats with a doublet of worsted a pair of hose cloth of white kersey a shirt a bonnet Also I bequeath to Robert Elen a doublet of St. Thomas worsted (wulsted) Also I will that my Executor make me a brother of the chapterhouse of the Friars in the Ashes of the order of St. Dominic and my wife also sister unto whom I bequeath for the same 6s. 8d. Also I will and desire master Sir William Fisher that he make me brother and my wife sister of the Observants