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P R E F A C E.

Refpe£ting the ufes of Simples, the opinion of Oribafius will not be difputed, viz. “ SimpUctum medic amentorum^ 8ff facultatum qua: “ in eis mfunt^ cognitio ita necejfaria eji^ ut fine ea nemo rite medicari “ queat and it is a lamentable truth, that our experimental know- ledge of many of the herbaceous fimplcs is extremely defective ; for as writers on the Materia Medica have ufually done little more than copy the accounts given by their predecelfors, the virtues now afcribed to feveral plants are wholly referrible to the authority of Diofcorides. It is however hoped that the medical reader will find what relates to this part of the work as complete as the flow pro- greflive ftate of experience in phyfic will admit : with this intention, fadts and opinions have been induftrioufly colledted from various authorities ; and thofe adduced by ProfefTor Murray, and the works of the late Dr. Cullen, have furnifhed the largeft contribution. The publication of this work in monthly numbers has afforded the author an opportunity of knowing already the fentiments enter- tained of it, by feveral Gentlemen of great medical and botanical authority ; from whofe unfolicited communications he has derived confiderable affiftance, and for whofe friendly fuggeftions he defires^ to make his moft grateful acknowledgments.