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Astronomical Dialogues.

3 in the Tail, and 4 in his Body: These our English Country People call Charles-Wain, and fancy the four to be the 4 wheels of the Waggon, while, forsooth, the three are to represent the 3 Horses of that draw it. But as to the present Concern, please to take Notice, that as this Constellation, in our Horizon, never sets, but seems to revolve round the Pole in 24 Hours; so these two Stars of the 7, that are nearest to the Pole Star, or the two hinder Wheels of the Wain, do always point up pretty nearly to the Pole Star; and are therefore sometimes called the Pointers; and consequently, if you carry your Eye on in a Right Line from them, they will direct you to the Pole Star, which you see is here, on the Globe, placed in the End of the Tail of the Lesser Bear and Pole Star.Lesser Bear, a Constellation of 7 pretty large Stars, much in the same Figure of those in the Great Bear, or Charles-Wain.

I See them on the Globe, said she, let us now look out of the Window and observe them in the Heaven; O! I see them yonder very plain, said she, and now I shall know in the Night as well as the Day, how to find the four Points of the Compass, East, West, North, and South.
