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b) toþ-rima appears with the two vocalisms eo, ea: toðreomera (for reomena) 2222, teþ (for toþ)-reaman 142. Prof. Napier suggests to me that while the former represents an o mutation of i (Bülbr. § 235 & 237), the latter is to be compared to seripteáro as against téoru (Siev. § 43, 2), bearing a secondary accent. Another hypothesis proposed by the same authority is that reaman is perhaps due to confusion with rēoma, rēama = membrane.

20. OE. «unfast» i, viz. the sound resulting from older ie which regularly alternates with y is represented

α) by i: scille 168, smire 819 etc. (also ȝesme (i)red 1423);

β) by y: smyre 49, syle 128 etc, mylt 223;

γ) by u: smure 224 817 1851, smura 122 181, herþbuliȝes 1426, hure 826.

Note.–The ill-defined i of fiþerfēte is also represented by u: fuþer-fæte 44 418.

§6. o.

10. OE. is preserved: bodede 24, hors 224.

20. We find e inserted before o, as regularly in OE., after a palatal consonant: ȝeond 422.

§ 7. u.

OE. u is preserved: þus 24, cumende 415 etc.

Note.–æscolupio 27 and willa 1820 are mistakes for Æsculapio, wulla.

§8. y.

10. OE. «fast» y, representing the i mutation of u, is preserved, being expressed

α) by y: ȝelynde 224, ymbhwyrftum 413, blod-ryne 149, cyrnlu 1625, swylas 183 184;

β) by i: blod-rine 1611, forþricceð 1813, brine 2210;

γ) by u: drupe 105, ȝedrupe 1022, druppe[1] 185, curnlu 1012, fot-swulan 125, swulas 1810, grutta

  1. In these words, it is true, the u may be due to the influence of ON. drūpa.