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Sing.–D. hwylcere.


Sing.–D. ȝewylce.


Sing.–N. man.

V. Verbs.
[As will be seen immediately OE. final þ is frequently replaced by d in the 3d persons singular and plural of the present indicative. On h for þ cf. Spelling p. XVII.]
10. Strong verbs.
§ 55.–1st class (īā, ii).

Inf.–æthrinan 215.

Pr. ind. Sing. 3 ȝewyteþ 43todrifd 184. Plur. 3 arisaþ 185, miȝað 2012.

Opt. hrine 613, ȝegnide 2014.

Imp. Sing. aris 67, wriþ 615, ȝecnid 109, hrin 1415.

Pp. Sing. N. masc. ȝegnidon 2222;–fem. ȝegniden 146.

Plur. A. fem. toslitena 1813.

§ 56–2d class (ēo or ūēa, uo).

Inf. brucan 425.–Pr. p. Sing. N. neuter hreosende 164.

Pr. ind. Sing. 3 bruced 83, brucad 83. Plur. 3 fleoþ 814.

Opt. Sing. 3 seoðe 425; bruca 166, shuca (for suca) 166.

Imp. Sing. 2 seoð 209; onlut 68.

Pp. Sing. N. fem. ȝesoden 1011 144, toȝene 1619. D. fem. healfe-sodene (for healf-sodene) 1816. A. neuter ȝesoden 423ȝesodan 141.–Plur. N. fem. ȝesodene 1219.

§ 57.–3d class (e, ia, uu, o).

Inf. swelȝan 166. Ger. drincanne 145. Pr. p. Sing. D. neuter hyrnende 425.