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Medicina de cervo.

[Cock. p. 334]Wẏþ *nædran[1] slite ho (e)rtes horn hæfeð mæȝen eac[2] ælcne wætan to adriȝenne: for þan man hys bruced on eah-sẏlfe. [3]Wið heafod-sare heortes hornes axan fif peniȝe ȝewæȝe drinc mid ane sester wines ⁊ tweȝen wæteres; nim ðæs *æȝwẏlce dæȝ[4] scenc fulne ⁊ drince.[5] Þes drenc eac wambe sar ȝehaþeraþ. Wið toþa waȝunga hortes horn ȝebarned ⁊ ȝecnucad þa teþ ȝetrymeð ȝif his man wislice brucad. Wið wifes *flewsan[6] heortes horn to duste ȝebeaten ⁊ ȝedrucan on wine: sona hẏm bẏð sel. Wið wẏrmas to acwellen hortes horn ȝebernede drinc on haten watere: þa wurmas he acwellaþ ⁊ ut awyrfþ. Nædran eac to acwellanne nim þas hornes axan ⁊ stred þar hi sinde: hẏ fleoþ sona aweȝ. Wid miltan sare hortes horn ȝebærnede[7] þicȝe on swete drence: he þa miltan adriȝed ⁊ þat sar [Cock. p. 336]onweȝ afyrred. Wið teter hortes horn ȝebærned meng wið ecede, smure mid þan; hrædlice hẏm cẏmed bot. Eft wið teter of anwlitan to do, heortes horn ȝebærnedne meng wið ele ⁊ smire; þanne ꝥ bedruwod[8] si, eft[9] þu hẏt ȝenywa. Ad libidinem ex-
citan dam
item ad jdem
Do þis ar sunnan upgange: hradlice nẏt hæled. *Wif-ȝemanan[10] to aweccenne nim heortes sceallen, driȝ, wẏrc to duste, do his dæl on[11] wines drinc: ꝥ awecceð[12] wif-ȝemanon[13] lust. Wið ꝥ ẏlce nim heortes scẏtel ⁊ cnuca to duste, do on wines drinc: hit hæleð þat ylce.

Medicina de vulpe.

De vulpe
[Cock. p. 338]
Wið wifa earfodnẏssa þe on hure inwerdlicum stowum earfeðu[14] þrowiaþ, foxes liþu ⁊ his smeru mid ealden ele ⁊
  1. ms. nædran.
  2. ms. ⁊ eac.
  3. A large portion of the ms. here torn off. The ruling of this page stops a little higher that that of the others. The following words, only partly intelligible, are here written by the scribe in the lower margin:
    contra omnem ȝ ȝpentes ⁊ hu
    contra morem awtitum. Valet.
  4. ms. æȝhylce dæȝ.
  5. Thus also in V; probably an error for drinc in both cases.
  6. ms. flesan.
  7. ms. ȝe brand br. bærnede.
  8. ms. be drupod druwod.
  9. ms. esl eft.
  10. ms. Wið.
  11. ms. on on.
  12. ms. a wecceð s.
  13. ms. ȝemanen?
  14. ms. earfoðu.