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hẏt hæled wel. To *wifes[1] willan þæs buccan ȝeallen meng wið recels[2] ⁊ wið netelan sæd, smẏre þane *teors[3] mid ætforan to þas reste-ȝemanan: ꝥ wif onfeahþ þæs willan on þan hamede. Þi læs ci[l]d[4] sẏ hreosende[5] ꝥ ẏs filleseoc oꝥꝥ scinla(c) mete fire-gate braȝen *teoh *þurh[6] gẏlde(n)e hring, sẏle ðan cilde swelȝan ær þan hit m(e)oluc bruca ⁊ *suce:[7] hẏt bẏð ȝehæled. Wið oman nim gate horn ⁊ leȝe to fẏre ꝥ he bẏrne on fyre, do þanne of þa scille on niwe[8] fæt, cnuca hẏ þane swiþe wið scearpun ecede, do on ða oman fort hy hæl sẏ. To slæpe gate horn under heafed ȝeled:[Cock. p. 352] wæccen he on slæp ȝecẏrred. Wið blod-rine of nose *adrẏȝ[9] gate blod ⁊ gnid to duste, do on ꝥ nosþrul: hit wiðstandeþ. Wið eaȝene hæte ⁊ wið stice niwe gate cuse *oferȝeseted[10] mid þa eaȝe-bræwas: hẏm bẏþ hrædlice bote. Wið heafod-ece niwe gate cuse þar-to ȝewriþen: hit hæled. Wið fot-adle niwe gate cuse onȝeled ꝥ sar ȝeliþegaþ. Wið innopes heardnysse swa hwæt swa he eta *menge[11] wiþ þane wætan, ⁊ þone ẏlcan *drince[12] wið þæs innoþes heardnẏsse ꝥ seo toȝene wambe sẏ alẏsed: swa he [ma] drinceð[Cock. p. 354] swa hit furþur clænsad. Wið þane wætan do him eac ꝥ he drince gate blod: wel ꝥ hine hæleð. Gif innoþ þinde nim gate blod mid hire smeruwe ⁊ berena grutta gemeng ⁊ on wambe utan ȝewrẏd:[13] *wundorlice[14] hit hæleð. Wið earane sare gate migga do on ꝥ eare ꝥ sar ȝeliþegad. Gif ꝥar *wẏrms inne *bið *hit[15] ꝥ ut *awyrpð.[16] Wið cẏrnlu
  1. ms. wifef.
  2. ms. rise recels.
  3. ms. terþ.
  4. Here and in the following lines the letters between the parentheses guessed rather than read.
  5. ms. here hreosende.
  6. ms. teoþ þurþ.
  7. Not in V; ms. ⁊ shuca.
  8. ms. on wine niwe (sic), the second word underlined and struck off.
  9. ms. adriȝd.
  10. ms. ofer ȝesedet.
  11. ms. mengc.
  12. ms. drincan.
  13. ms. ȝe wy wyrd.
  14. ms. wunderlice.
  15. ms. wurmas inne beoð hi (which makes sense).
  16. ms. awirph.